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Hamby Story

Hamby Story

Beverly Hamby
Virginia Beach, Va., Lodge No. 2268

If Beverly Hamby could glimpse into the future, she would like to see the Elks honoring more veterans, offering larger scholarships, and increasing donations to the Elks National Foundation. While she's not a fortuneteller, Beverly is an Elk with a vision.

"The Elks and their programs are the best things I have ever been involved with," says Beverly, a member of Virginia Beach, Va., Lodge. "We must make sure that the impact of our good deeds will continue forever."

When Beverly speaks of the Foundation, she often sounds like a mother boasting about a child. "What better charity is there to give to than the ENF?" asks Beverly in her slight Southern drawl.

Leaving a Legacy

Always looking for new ways to support the Foundation, Beverly recently discovered planned giving. "Now my giving to a very worthy cause will continue even after I'm gone," she says.

Beverly first heard how she could leave behind her legacy from William Tennis, past state president of the Virginia Elks Association and a member of the ENF's John F. Malley Society, which recognizes donors who plan gifts to the Foundation. After learning more at the Grand Lodge convention in Minneapolis, Beverly cemented her decision to join by including the ENF in her will through a gift of life insurance and her 401(K) retirement plan.

"I never gave my will much thought at first," she says. "But I'm glad I finally did. A planned gift is a great way to share what I have with others."

What Better Reason

Beverly believes that generosity is an obligation of Elkdom. She encourages all Elks to consider including the ENF in their estate plans. "The Elks stand for helping those who don't have as much," she says. "We are known for our giving and must continue to donate to the Foundation so that our programs can survive."

Since becoming an Elk in 1999, Beverly Hamby has never missed a national convention. While the event presents the perfect excuse for a vacation and she looks forward to the camaraderie, the real lure stems from a potential brush with fame.

"One of the Most Valuable Student recipients could one day become president of this great nation," says Beverly. "They're wonderful kids. I'm so impressed when I hear them speak at conventions."

Program Pride

Beverly takes pride in the Elks National Foundation's scholarship programs. She believes that by helping deserving students realize their college dreams, the Elks contribute to the strength of our country. "What we do for our children today reflects what we will become tomorrow," she says.

By joining the John F. Malley Society, Beverly ensures that her belief in the value of education will last indefinitely. Hoping her four grandchildren may someday compete for one of ENF's scholarships, she finds comfort in knowing that her planned gift may contribute to their educations even after she's gone.

An Elks visionary with a better future in mind, Beverly's positive outlook and generosity are qualities that would make any Elk proud. By making a planned gift, she's providing for a future where her charitable spirit will endure. "What better way to give than through a planned gift," Beverly says. "Now, part of my memory will always be with the Elks National Foundation."

ENF Donor Bill of Rights